Using Keywords in Search Engine Marketing

EO was unknown not too long ago. It used to be that when you wanted to earn via the Internet, all you had to do was create and publish a website, whether a real site or a blog. Oh, at its inception, blogging was not common, and sites on the Internet usually contained advertisements for goods for sale as well as articles for general knowledge. .

As the Net grew, the methods by which one could earn grew proportionately. One current method is direct advertising, much like that done on radio and television. Here, articles directly refer to websites, or there are banners of advertisements in a website. The sites are paid by counting clicks on the website ad or link, or via the number of people who open the site itself or read the article.

The invention and use of search engines to look for topics and subjects on the Internet also changed the way articles are written. Since links in the articles can be used to bring the prospective customer to a site, search engine optimization (SEO) tools were refined to give the sites that contain those links a high rank in the search engine results.

Among the methods to attain top rankings is the Meta tag description. These are snippets of information in HTML code written just below the article title (though sometimes the location is not important), describing the contents and including the article’s keywords. Keywords are those words that are considered to be the topics or subjects the searcher may wish to know about. Meta tags are those word or phrases appended to the end of the article or blog to help search engines find the topics.

At first the website content writers or website creators were encouraged to attach Meta tags and Meta tag descriptions to their works. However, it turned out that search engines ignore them for the most part, or pay them very little attention. The engines will include the words and phrases in the search results as long as the words are in the articles, except that ranking may be low. In conclusion using keywords in your meta tags will insure you get higher ranking in the Search Engines.

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