There is never going to be a one hundred percent agreement from anyone involved in the online SEO field and process with regards to techniques Search Engine Ranking, Meta Tags, Reciprocal Linking, link building social marketing and the list goes on and on.
There are always going to be arguments as to which SEO technique works best, in what situation and how the strategy will work to get the most traffic. In reality this will really only bring traffic to your site... Not enough to break the bank though. What's missing is conversions.
Oftentimes, the SEO techniques that you are using will either bring you the best possible results for your keywords; or you will find out that nothing works and the different techniques that you have been using is never going to give you the chance or possibility to yield the results that you want. This is often the problem my clients run into and one that you will have to learn to deal with; once you figure out what to change, (most are clueless) how to change it, (some consider total web re-design) where to make the changes (is it the tags, the link building, the blog...?) and how to make those changes work ( like anyone has that kind of time on their hands )in the best possible ways that you will not regret the decision(s) that you made.
The mistakes that people often make are with reciprocal links. Basically the thinking is that they are going to get more traffic than they would normally get from organic search engine results. They start “swapping off” links to each other’s pages in the effort to help each other get the best possible bang for the buck. What these people do not realize is that this strategy is “old news” and will back-fire on you more times than it actually helps you.
Here is the real deal on that "technique" these people (link builders) are using your page to cross-connect, to get to, another person’s page on a completely different website altogether that is either along the similar line of thinking, products and/or services or content. The main problem here is that those visitors really do not stay on your website long enough to even look around to see if you have what they are looking for. This is something that is more of a waste of time than anything else, folks. Basically empty hits that have absolutely no value to your ROI.
Many people that do this will certainly argue with this viewpoint, and will even be completely turned off by the ideas and information that I am offering here and will “turn a deaf ear”, or drop me like a rented mule so to speak. Thus the information I am supplying here is maybe too progressive or boxed in this ever-changing world. It's true what they say about your web presence one minutes you are standing on solid rock and on shifting sand the very next day, week, or month.
If you are not using new ideas and SEO techniques that can be flexible, you are actually making things much more complicated for yourself. Just remember folks using a bunch of keywords in the right places is not enough any more. You have to do so much more.
SEO Is Not As Simple As People Think It Should Be
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