Wife1.0 Software

Sometimes you have to share things you receive in your mail box... I had a good chuckles and laugh. I am sure you will too.

Dear Tech Support:

Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and resources. In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors all other system activity applications such as "Poker Night 10.3", "Football 5.0", "Hunting And Fishing 7.5", and "Racing 3.6." I can't seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run my favorite applications. I'm thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0, but "the uninstall" doesn't work on Wife 1.0. Please help!

Thanks ...Troubled User



Dear Troubled User:

This is a very common problem. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0, thinking that it is just a Utilities and Entertainment program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!!! It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and to return to Girlfriend 7.0. It is impossible to uninstall, or purge the program files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is designed not to allow this. Look in your Wife 1.0 manual under "Warnings-Alimony-Child Support". I recommend that you keep Wife 1.0 installed and work on improving the configuration. I suggest installing the background application "Yes Dear 99.0" to alleviate software augmentation.

The best course of action is to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE because ultimately you will have to do this before the system will return to normal anyway.

Wife 1.0 is a great program, but it tends to be very high maintenance. Wife 1.0 comes with several support programs, such as "Clean and Sweep 3.0", "Cook It 1.5" and "Do Bills 4.2." However, be very careful how you use these programs. Improper use will cause the system to launch the program "Nag Nag 9.5." Once this happens, the only way to improve the performance of Wife 1.0 is to purchase additional software. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Diamonds 5.0, but beware because sometimes these applications can be expensive.

WARNING!!! DO NOT, under any circumstances, install "Secretary with Short Skirt 3.3." This application is not supported by Wife 1.0 and will cause irreversible damage to the operating system.

WARNING!!! Attempting to install "NewGirlFriend 8.8" along with Wife 1.0 will crash the system.

(see Wife 1.0 manual, "Apologize", "High Maintenance & Secretary with Short Skirt")

Professional SEO Services Reassessing SEO Blogs – Outdated and Outdone?

The number of frequently updated SEO blogs is dropping, and professional SEO services are looking for the reasons why.

The main reasons seem to be Web 3.0 and short message services (SMS). While SEO blogs will survive for at least a little while longer, the question of "how long" remains. What are Web 3.0 and SMS, though, and are they threatening to replace SEO blogs?

SMS / Microblogging services Short message/microblogging services such as Twitter, Plurk and FriendFeed hit the social networking streets with a big bang and kept right on going. For instance, despite the fact that there are still kinks and technical difficulties, Twitter's traffic increased 500% by July 5th of this year, compared to the same date last year. Even Google jumped on the SMS bandwagon, buying Jaiku in October of 2007, and Barack Obama used Twitter as part of his 2008 presidential campaign.

Professional SEO services can breathe easy, however – at least with SMS. Instead of a replacement, microblogging looks to be more of an addition to blogging than anything else. Enterprising bloggers have been using SMS as a way to advertise their blogs – a short message, "Hey, I've got a new addition, this is today's topic."

While SMS isn't something to worry about, it is something that professional SEO services should look into as part of their campaigns, since it won't be long now before the search engines add SMS web pages to spider crawling.

Web 3.0 Web 3.0 is a phrase coined by John Markoff (New York Times) to describe new - and future - web technologies. It's supposedly the third decade of the web, encompassing the years 2010 to 2020, and covers up-and-coming technologies that compromise "the intelligent Web". Specifically, Web 3.0 deals with Internet-based services that use formulas and programs such as Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), data mining and artificial intelligence, to name a few. In other words, search engine companies are using machines and programs with an understanding of information - and how we humans perceive this information - to give users a better experience.

Web 3.0 is, and will be, giving professional SEO services a hard run for their money. Black Hatters – and most likely some White Hatters - are quaking in their ergonomically designed computer chairs. While Web 3.0 won't cause the extinction of SEO, it does call for an overhaul of SEO practices. Link farming, keyword spamming and other questionable practices are becoming outdated; with the induction of LSI, content is now key – how clear is it; how relevant is it; how good is it.

So, if SMS and Web 3.0 aren't causing the downfall – or lack of SEO blog news – what is? Well, in a way they are. Web technology changes so fast, SEO article writers and bloggers are hard-pressed to keep up with everything. Information on SEO blogs has fallen through the cracks, replaced by LSI, Web 3.0, SMS and any number of other programs, technologies and practices.

Whatever the reasoning, the message to professional SEO services is clear: Keep on your toes, people, the train's a'comin – if you're not a passenger, you're a fatality.

Planning & Strategy in Search Engine Optimization

The majority of all traffic to a website comes from a search engine; the only way you'll get that traffic is to optimize your site for those search engines. There are many ways to optimize your site, and fortunately, it isn't hard to do just that. If you're looking to start a site, the first thing you should do is build your site around search engines.

You already know the reason for your site; the only thing left to do is figure out what keywords you'll need to get the traffic you desire. The use of "SEO Tools" such as keyword analyzers and rank analyzers, which can be found online, will be of great use to you in building your site. These tools will ensure a correctly optimized website for all search engines.

Each search engine is different; some require a certain amount of "link backs" or clicks to your website from other sites to rank high, while others need targeted keywords. The most used search engine by far is Google, and if you want to rank high in Google, you'll need "link backs" from known sites.

Unfortunately, it can be hard to obtain the "link backs" you need, though the cheapest and easiest method is to create targeted content unique to your website. Larger websites will have a reason to link to your website if you give them one; creating content relevant to your site is the best way. After you finish creating the site of your dreams and have packed it full of the content and keywords you want (avoid over stuffing words, this will lead to scrutiny from search engines), the next step is to submit your site to search engines.

Before you submit your website directory to a search engine, you'll want to make sure you have quality material focused on the keywords you're targeting. You'll want to create "Metatag data/descriptions" for each of your web pages, giving the search engines a “heads-up” into what your site is about. There are tools you can use to accomplish this and make things much easier for yourself.

So you've created the site, built the content and submitted it; so now what? Well, let's make sure you've done the job correctly before quitting. You looked over the available SEO Tools to maximize keyword usage correctly. You've built the right content to increase "link backs" from well-known websites. Relevant Meta Tag Descriptions are in place on all web pages you wish to index, and you've submitted your site to be crawled by the biggest search engines.

The only thing left is to monitor your keywords and make sure you stay at the top. Search engines are constantly changing, and so should you. Don't stop changing and adding keywords or modifying descriptions. If you want to stay at the top of the list, you'll need to be attentive. Congratulations, you just optimized your website for Search Engines!

The Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is that it gives the ability to draw and hold your reader's attention. If you want to be successful at any type of SEO services, writing or consulting you must stay on top of the changing advertising and marketing methods. The professional approach to SEO is knowing and understanding website terms and descriptions that bring greater customer satisfaction.

The first rule is to ensure greater research capability. The Internet is not the only source for good information, but it is a convenient source of information. Google, Yahoo! and MSN are considered the top Internet search engines.

Advertising is important also. Most companies or businesses in today’s market look for image advertising. When performing SEO, you want to embed an image into the customer's mind along with great catchy content. Depending on what you're marketing and what part of the world you're in, content can make or break a business. This is where research comes into play in the marketing business.

In order to market your services, it's also good to speak to individuals just to see how they think or process information. Keep in mind that you want your customers to keep coming back to your website. For instance, hiring a research company to collect data for you in reference to your SEO is a good idea.

Back in the late 80’s, the government used a type of marketing method call the Census. After the Census had been conducted, the government would sell the information to certain private businesses to pinpoint different ethnic groups. This method conveyed what each household used for services and products. Now it’s done a little different, mostly with computers, surveys and media.

Though the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is always the same, the ways to achieve SEO are many. However, from writing SEO articles with the use of strategically placed keywords to link building and landing pages, the variations and tools all point to one goal – catching and holding the reader's attention.

Writing SEO Articles - Merging Keyword Strategies and Effective Copy writing

Writing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) articles is the exciting mixture of developing keyword strategies that will generate a response from various search engines. SEO articles merge those keywords into unique copy writing material that engages and holds the reader. SEO copy writing creates articles that reach the marketplace in two ways. The first is by anticipating the search terms utilized by the readership. The second is by employing those search keywords to establish links from the reader to the destination site through the search engine.

Writing SEO articles is an expression of the site’s content in substantive keyword verbiage that draws the reader to the site. These articles also use an effective copy writing technique that encourages the reader to not only stay but also re-visit the site.

Writing SEO articles requires resourceful, imaginative and original copy writing. Positioning and frequency of specific keywords can help boost site response; however, effective SEO copy writing does not stop there. The author must also apply the basics of good research and deliver the site’s material in a clear, concise and compelling manner that makes the reader return for the site’s content.

When writing SEO articles, the author must grasp the reader’s mindset as it applies to the site’s message. It is from within the reader’s mindset that the links between the keywords and the optimal copy writing material reside. If the author knows the product or material, he has the fuel to ignite the connection. The copy writing challenge is writing SEO articles that maintain the integrity of the product and promote the product through the application of the anticipated search entries or keywords.

SEO copy writing should be powerful, even infectious. If the author has performed the research and understands the site’s potential, the keywords become an integral part of the posting. Too many sites and too many articles are written to emphasize keywords at the expense of content. Successful SEO article writing enhances the product and site by utilizing powerful keywords to express the product’s unique qualities through strategic and fluid copy writing techniques.

Keywords and SEO Articles

As a writer of SEO articles, I've been asked several times what keywords are and what SEO means. The meaning is easy: Search Engine Optimization. The explanation is difficult; there are so many SEO tools for on-page optimization, the information would fill a thick book. However, I can give a brief explanation of how the articles are done and how they work. When building a web presence, the main consideration is how to bring quality views, known as clicks, to your website. One of the ways to do this is by creating optimized articles using key words and phrases. Why would you want to do this? Because it's also one of the top ways to get Google Ranking. Briefly, here's how it works: Keyword Research – Keywords are words or phrases that users search for. Though any word or phrase can be used for this purpose, you want to ensure that those you choose would be used in a search. You may want to use professional SEO service providers for this. They will provide you with a Keywords analysis and a competitors analysis. These vary in prices, but are well worth the time and money spent. The Articles – When writing SEO articles, the main element is how the keywords are used and how often. Those knowledgeable in writing SEO articles recommend that you choose two or three keywords, or one key phrase, and use them in strategic places. The Finished Product – Once you have your SEO articles, it's time to do your own internet search. What you're looking for are places that allow article submission or directory submission. Article and directory submission sites allow you to submit your article along with a Meta tag description – which, by the way, will also hold your keywords. Once your article is submitted, anyone who types in that search term will now see your article, which has links to your website. A tip: Ensure that your keywords won't stand out in the copy. Most Internet users understand they're being manipulated; they don't want to see the actual manipulation. This could be detrimental to what you're trying to achieve – clicks to your website. Finally, do your research, stay informed, and good luck on your future SEO articles!

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